Image of a cinnamon stick, some cloves, and star anise frying in oil.

Best Curry Recipe EVER!

curryWe love this Authentic Chicken Curry Recipe so much, we had to share it with you.

A good friend of ours invited myself and Alan round to his house back in 2007, and taught us some of his favourite Indian family recipes.

Since then, we’ve cooked this recipe hundreds of times and we sigh in disbelief at how good it tastes, EVERY TIME!!

We have included this recipe in our branded recipe book, as it definitely passes the healthy and tasty test. In fact, it outshines any takeaway curry meal we’ve ever had.

I will write a separate blog about the benefits of the herbs and spices contained in this dish, as there is so much to say about them.

Turmeric for example, has amazing anti-inflammatory properties and is a natural liver detoxifier (amongst other things!). 

If I feel a bit run down, I cook up this recipe and it always makes me feel better.


Happy currying!



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