Recipe Book Pricing Options...
'Lite' Recipe Pack
What's included:
- Your choice of 100 recipe ebook (pdf) from our core range
- Each recipe page supplied as individual file
- Customised front cover design
- Customised welcome pages
- Unlimited resale license
'Plus' Recipe Pack
What's included:
- Everything listed in the 'lite' pack, PLUS:
- Hormone guide education section
- Ingredients education section
- 1 x recipe book hard copy (professionally printed)
- Promo launch pack
- Social media assets
- Unlimited design revisions for up to 30 days
Or read on to see exactly what's included...
Here's EXACTLY What You'll Get When You Order
Your Own Branded 100 Recipe Book...
A branded recipe book containing 100 mouth-watering fat loss recipes...
- A mixture of smoothies, snacks, breakfasts, lunches and dinners
- An ingredients image and a finished dish image with each recipe
- Calories, macro breakdowns and My Fitness Pal barcodes
- Supplied as a high quality digital ebook (pdf)
- 100% satisfaction guaranteed
Recipes available in UK or Australian metric or USA cups 🇬🇧🇦🇺🇺🇸
View Recipe Book Demo Here...
Included in the 'Plus' Recipe Pack...
1 x recipe book hard copy (professionally printed)
- Showcase your recipe book offer and help drive book sales
- Use to help onboard new clients more easily
Social media assets
- Includes recipe images and word doc swipe files
- Promote your PT / Nutrition Coaching services
- Rich content for social media, email campaigns etc
Promo launch pack
- Mini teaser recipe book pdf (10 recipes)
- 3D ebook graphic (with your branding)
- Prewritten promo scripts (emails and social media)
- 15 social media images (jpegs)
- Post scheduler
- Video training
Check Out Jaine's Promo Launch Success Story...
The pre-launch went amazingly well… we sold 50 recipe books at a discounted pre-launch price of £19.99 (ebook and printed book bundle) and we’re still selling. Had to order more!
All in all we’ve sold 75 books so far.
It was with all your information and helpful templates that I was able to get the campaign up and running - systemised through my MIS system.
It worked a dream.. and the members love it!
Jaine | AbFabFitClub
Also included in the 'Plus' recipe pack...
Unlimited design revisions (up to 30 days)
- Your very own graphic designer at the fraction of the cost!
- We'll carefully take on board any feedback from you.
- We'll promptly send you your revised file(s).
- 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
Here's How Our Ordering Process Works...
- Place your order and make payment
- Send us your business details, logo etc via our customisation form
- We send you a PDF version of your book within 2-4 business days
- You can email us to tell us if any changes are required
- We will make any necessary changes to your book asap